Dashboard Reports

Cybersecurity Reports

Create a seamless way for users to receive or provide comparative updates or summaries after being away.

Use Cases

  • User needs a summary of happenings while user was away from dashboard
  • User needs to relay a summary to a superior
  • User wants an easy way to compare current happenings to previous ones
  • F5 Inc.
  • Cybersecurity
  • UI, UX
  • November 14, 2022
Additional insights and sketches on the user flows, architecture, etc.
Depending on the user's role-based access, they can schedule different kinds of report generation: global (from several services), or service (from a single service)

Report Management

The report administrator is able to see all the reports being generated from various services and edit them as needed. They can also create new ones. More on that in a minute.

Configuring Report Generation

Once a report is generated, it's added to the Reports Management list and reports are sent to the user's email based on the frequency selected.